Imagine being able to sign up a new landlord without leaving your office; without having to wait for him to print and sign your terms and conditions. How about not having to email or post out tenancy agreements relying on tenants to sign and post or scan them back, or asking them to drive for miles to come into your office, just for a signature. With Adobe Sign you don't. Deals are done in the click of a mouse, or a tap on a mobile phone screen, from anywhere in the world and the fully signed document is then electronically sent back to you directly into your mailbox. No printing, no fuss.
It's legal, it's fast, it's secure. Estates IT have joined forces with Adobe to provide you with this fully integrated solution to speed up the paperwork side of your business to allow you to get on with everything else you need to do, safe in the knowledge that your clients can sign documents electronically both easily and securely.
All of the documents requiring signature that are provided within our Estate Agent Software by TFP are Adobe Sign enabled, and thanks to the supporting documentation that is emailed back with the completed document, you know exactly who has handled the electronic document, where and when.
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