Fixflo have revolutionised repairs reporting for the residential lettings industry and rightly so have won many awards for their efforts. Using pictorial representations, their easy to navigate software helps identify problems without the need for any technical knowledge, and even guides the tenant through any repairs that are their obligation.
Only once a problem has been identified that needs a contractor visit is the Landlord or agent involved and a report is compiled and then sent back for action.
Fixflo is also able to help tenants to protect themselves, all the time keeping full and complete logs that are reported back to the Landlord or property manager, complying with current legislation.
The power provided by the full integration with PCHomes Letting Agent Software guarantees complete transparency on your repair requests, giving full accountability to your landlord, and empowers you to provide constant updates for all parties. Language barriers aren't even a problem as Fixflo provides full translation in over 30 languages.